May 4 2022
Apologies to Paul Simon for borrowing his song title, but it seems to fit our favorite federal agency. Just as Simon had moved from nostalgia into colder emotions, the Postal Service has evolv... View More
May 2 2022
When the USPS can’t deliver First-Class mail, it returns it to the mailer. Somewhere in every corporate mail center sits a stack of mail trays stuffed with returned mail. This has been a pro... View More
April 28 2022
Looking for new ideas to improve the quality and impact of your direct mail and customer communications? These 4 companies may have just what you are looking for. Take a moment to look at their inkjet
April 25 2022
In a competitive marketplace, the secret to success is delivering what your customers need and doing it better than anyone else. To maintain a leadership position in your industry, you must keep an ey
April 21 2022
Bad addresses are costing businesses millions. More than 43 million Americans move each year, and outdated address lists can result in a letter, bill, package, or flat being undeliverable-as-addressed
April 19 2022
Handwritten notes may seem like a historic memory, but more businesses are turning to them to improve communications with potential and existing customers, business partners, and even employee... View More
April 15 2022
The customer experience, or CX, is one of the hottest topics in business, especially among marketing practitioners. Behavior and demographic data define who the customer is and how they have interacte
April 13 2022
Mail center professionals, who already operate in a challenging business environment, are increasingly faced with the task of responding to the popular, but scientifically flawed, narrative th... View More
April 11 2022
As a business, you want to maximize your marketing potential every time you use direct mail. The only way to accomplish that, besides coming up with killer copy or a premium that knocks people... View More
April 5 2022
On the surface, postal addresses seem they are just a means of getting mail from one place to another. If you're in the mailing business, you may think about addresses in only these terms. Bu... View More
April 3 2022
In our January/Februrary issue, we put together an easy-to-read fact sheet regarding the 2022 USPS promotions. If you haven't yet, be sure to check it out; there is plenty of time to participate in s
April 1 2022
In our January/February, 2022 issue, we took a look at 4 companies who can help you with your Vote by Mail needs. Check out their profiles below, and be sure to reach out to them if you have any questions.... View More
April 1 2022
It’s been some time since the USPS on March 23, 2021 first published its 10-year strategic plan, “Delivering for America,” which has become known by its acronym “DFA.”... View More
March 30 2022
Pritha Mehra holds the Award for Excellence, flanked by Shoshana Grove (left) and Anita Pursley (right), co-chairs of WILDS. On December 16, 2021, during the Women in Logistics and Delive... View More
March 28 2022
The next time you encounter a car ad, or one for an investment or dietary supplement, somewhere in the fine print will be a clarification that what’s shown may not be representative of a typ... View More
March 24 2022
The constancy of change in the print industry has been true since Guttenberg, and Ben Franklin would be amazed at how mail is prepared, processed, and delivered today. The most successful orga... View More
March 22 2022
With inflation, not to mention our reliance on document and parcel delivery, at its peak, this January, the carriers all raised rates to their highest levels. While we expect increases, this y... View More
March 18 2022
Thanks in large part to the ongoing effects of the stubbornly persistent COVID-19 pandemic, modern businesses have changed more in the past 24 months than they had in the prior 18 years. Providers of... View More
March 14 2022
Outsourcing outbound mail operations has been a topic of discussion for decades at companies that produce their own mail. The popularity of outsourcing swings one way or the other, but never i... View More
March 10 2022
Have you ever tried to put together a puzzle without a picture of the completed puzzle? It is necessary to get the right pieces in the right places. In most cases, people will give up trying t... View More
