Aug. 25 2021
Every time I think USPS mail is mundane, something comes up. How can a thing so simple be so complex? It’s just mail. Paper stuffed in an envelope, right? But boy oh boy, it is a complicated... View More
June 13 2021
That the Postal Service is seeking higher rates – significantly higher rates – is no longer breaking news. Nonetheless, some of what lies behind... View More
May 28 2021
There was a commercial for Toyota that aired several years ago that had the tag line, “You asked for it, you got it.” In this case, given that the Postal Service finally issued its 10-year
phone can
March 24 2021
Over the past few months, and especially over the recent holiday season, there were many occasions on which a postal customer – a representative of a commercial mailer, a mailer’s client
March 15 2021
For the Postal Service, it was one that will not be remembered fondly. The pandemic impacted USPS employees, severely suppressed the mailing activity of many businesses, and drove an unforesee... View More
March 8 2021
Despite being deemed an “essential business,” USPS mail volume was hit hard early in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In early February 2020, the United States began to hear about a new
head in clouds
March 3 2021
Delays in mail delivery and no visibility into the status of those mail pieces caused an increased number of customer inquiries and complaints in the months before and even now after the holid... View More
Oct. 2 2020
With all the press right now on Vote by Mail and the upcoming presidential election, it would be impossible for folks not to be aware that election mail can bring both challenge and opportunit... View More
Sept. 11 2020
2020 is a big year for the American public. The mail stream is about to get a significant boost as candidates send printed materials out to targeted vot-ers, hoping to capture their votes by the power
Sept. 8 2020
On Friday, August 14, the U.S. Postal Service announced temporary price increases, effective October 18, 2020 through December 27, 2020. Increases are quite significant and are as follows: &n... View More
Sept. 1 2020
In today’s political climate, all of us see a constant flow of news that, depending on the outlet, is colored by the opinions of the presenter. While people can argue over “fake news,”... View More
Aug. 28 2020
One of the challenges of participating in the Seamless Acceptance program is dealing with undocumented mail piece errors. The assessments for these errors can be quite expensive. Unlik... View More
Aug. 12 2020
As a vitally important tool in national and international social-economic ecosystems during regular years, the postal service is more important than ever in a major public crisis like the one we face... View More
July 23 2020
If you are one of the mailers still using the Centralized Account Processing System (CAPS), you need to switch over to the new Enterprise Payment System (EPS) soon as the USPS has started clos... View More
July 14 2020
If you haven’t already incorporated the United States Postal Service’s Informed Delivery (ID) program into your operations, there’s no time like the present. This offering helps gain... View More
June 10 2020
For an already financially challenged United States Postal Service, the COVID-19 pandemic is dealing a heavy blow — one that calls for both short-term and long-term holistic leadership. By the USPS�
June 2 2020
Why did e-commerce take off in the US years before it did in other countries? Three reasons: 1) A high percentage of US consumers have credit cards. 2) Rich ecosystem of banking services... View More
June 1 2020
WASHINGTON, DC — Today the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) released a letter that is being sent to local and state election officials and state party officials around the country. This letter highlights
June 1 2020
Are you currently using Merchandise Return Service (MRS) or Scan Based Payment (SBP) for your return packages? Did you know that MRS and SPB will be retired on August 28, 2020? Mig... View More
May 26 2020
In March of this year, GIACT, a leader in helping companies positively identify and authenticate customers, announced a new report, Undeliverable as Addressed: The Staggering Cost of Returned... View More
