September 21, 2020, Colleyville, TXMadison Advisors—Madison Advisors will be presenting an educational session as a featured analyst firm at the 2020 Solimar Virtual User Conference, held for customers, partners and others interested in Solimar Systems, a global leader of customer communication management and delivery solutions.

    Kemal Carr, president of Madison Advisors, and Keith Woedy, VP of research and practice lead, will discuss preliminary findings from the in-progress post composition study in a session called, “Keynote: Post Composition Evolved!” held on Thursday, September 24 at 11:00 a.m. ET. The session will cover how the line between document composition and CCM post composition software is starting to blur due to enhanced technology. Madison Advisors’ analysis of trends and leaders in the market, capabilities of this type of software, and where these solutions fit in an overall CCM strategy will be discussed, as well as where Solimar’s post composition solutions fit into the marketplace.

    The Madison Advisors CCM Post Composition Solutions Overview Market Study will be published and available on the Madison Advisors website this fall.

    About Madison Advisors

    Madison Advisors specializes in offering Fortune 1000 companies context-specific guidance for a range of content delivery strategies, particularly those addressing enterprise output technologies and print and electronic customer communications. Madison Advisors’ analysts and consulting professionals are dedicated to technology and market research that is delivered through short-term project engagements as well as articles, publications and presentations. In addition, the company’s hands-on experience developed through assisting its clients with deploying selected solutions adds a practical dimension to their approach not typically found with consulting generalists or other analyst firms.

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